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Saturday 13 August 2011


Haihh....rokok2...kenape la kau ni jadi satu masalah kat remaja zaman sekarang hah??

Setiap tahun menjadi penyumbang kematian rakyat Malaysia....
Ape la yg sedap nye hisap kau hah??  Bukannye sedap pun! Sakit tekak je....
Buat sakit badan ader la.....
Tapi, aku sendiri pun tak tahan.... kau ni jadi perhatian semua budak....
so ape aku boleh buat??
Ape yg aku boleh buat is penuhi permintaan customer2 aku....
Walau pun kau nie peroosak bangsa dan negara,kau tetap menjadi penyumbang kewangan aku...hahaha
Ape boleh buat??  Kalau dah majoriti bnyk, yg minoriti mesti kalah kan??
Aku dulu minoriti...theres nothing I can do...
So, Thank You Dunhill sebab jadi sponsor aku buat bisness...

A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed....

Assalamualaikum....haihh.....hari nie teruk btol la.....dah le tak bleh balek rumah mama aku, pastu gaduh pulah ngan Fish....hai..kenape la kite gado kan??   Bukannye ade ape2 pun...nie sume salah aku la nie.....
Emotional and hot tempered...Mesti kau saket hati ngan aku kan??  Aku tau aku nie panas baran...
Tapi naseb baek kite dah oke kn??
I`m so sorry Nur Shira Nadhirah Bt Azif 
for hurting your feelings....I`m being such an inconsiderate friend to you....sorry for what I`ve done...
Sorry for what I said and to tell you,I really didn`t mean it..
Thank you for accepting my apologies....  

Saturday 6 August 2011

Girlfriend Aku.

Hahaha.....nak tau tak??  Sekarang aku dah ader girlfriend....nama dia NurHidayah Bt. Aszne.......
Dier ni kecik je, tak besar mne......nie baru je jadi girlfriend aku tadi.....
Korang rase sesuai tak ngan aku???
Kekadang dier nie gile2 gak,cam aku.....
Wey Dayah!!!  Kenape kau nie cun sgt hah?? Terpikat hati aku bile tgk kau!!!! hehehe

Tuesday 2 August 2011

The Strokes.

Haih....bile la agaknye orang nak kenal band nih....lagu dier best...
Full of meaning pulak tu....Hey korang kat luar sane tu!! Jangan la asyik layan Justin Bieber je!
Banyak lagi orang atau band yang perform lagi best daripade dier!!!  Enjoy!!

Don`t ever stop playing even if you get drowned ! ! !

My Home.

   Hmm.....kenal tak tempat nie??
This is my home. My house is located in Bukit Antarabangsa....I`m sure it is famous because of the landslide incident that happened a few years back...

Time tu pukul 4 pagi...tgh nyenyak tido lagi la....
Tibe2 terbangun sebab electricity takde....sebab panas la tu...haha..

Then,aku pun terdengar la bunyi helicopter...dalam 2 bijik la....
Siap dengan ambulance and bomba berbagai......ingatkan ader robbery ke ape..kot orang jadi tebusan ke.....So...tertanye2 la kan...until about 7.00 a.m. in the morning baru la nampak..ader tanah runtuh....tak jauh la dari rumah aku....around 200 metres la jugak....

Mmg tak sangka la time tu akan berlaku tanah runtuh sebab tempat tu mmg dikira as a peaceful neighbourhood...bende nak jadi kan...kalau Allah nak bagi ujian kat umatNya, sekelip mata je bende tu dah jadi...

Yg peritnye,If I`m not mistaken, tanah runtuh tu berlaku time lepas raye kot....Hari Sabtu...padahal hari Jumaat aku baru je jogging kat kawasan tanah runtuh tu....Nasib2....kesian keluarga sesiapa yg terkorban,baru je celebrate raya dah ade kematian... harap2 keluarga arwah bersabar atas pemergian orang yg tersayang...maybe Allah lebih sayangkan diorang.....Dah beberape thn lepas incident tu,alhamdulillah kawasan perumahan nie dah ceria balik...good news utk sesiape yg carik rumah Bungalow,harga dah turun dah ...sebelum naik balik baik cepat ni ader gambar latest la...tempat yg tanah runtuh tu ader kat second picture,belah hujung sekali..kalau nak clearer picture,double click la gambar tu..hehe sorry gambar tak berape clear,tangkap pakai X3 je...hehe.....tempat yg runtuh tu JKR dah tanam rumput dah...untuk elak daripada Pokok pisang berbuah 2 kali.....Harap2 tak runtuh lagi la......Amin........

Fity Fitriah ! ! dier kawan aku yg lagi sorang....NurFitriah Bt. Zulkifli....
Orangnye garang, tegas, brutal, pandai, sensible ngan suke tegur orang...hehehe.....
Dulu, aku pernah gado ngan dier..btol tak Fity?? Sampai tak ckp sebulan setengah...
Sebab nye Fity marah kat aku, pastu aku marah dier balek...terus dier nyampah nak ckp ngan aku...haha...
Tapi aku tau, Fity tegur aku supaya aku sedar dan jadi insan yang lebih baik dari sebelumnye....For that,
Thanks Fity sebab selalu marah aku!!  Kalau boleh marah lagi tau!!!  Hahahaha!  =D

Monday 1 August 2011


Here`s another friend of mine... Annisa Shahirah Bt Shahrin.
She`s kinda short though, and I like to mock her very much! hahaha...sorry`s been my nature to ejek orang...
She has a adopted brother,that is my bro, Khairil Sya`azwi B Sup`aat.

She said that he`s only considered as her "brother" but I think that they are girlfriends and boyfriends....hahaha
Well, whatever you guys can consider yourselves anything you want as long as you guys are happy about it...
Seeyou guyslater!!!!

GTR ! ! ! !

Haaa......nie adalah skuuter idaman aku....Cpi GTR 180 cc...cari kat je....tak sanggup nak beli baru...janji bole pakai suda arr..hahaha... =D
Mule2 ingatkan nak beli yg colour black,tapi orange pun ok gak...Aku cadang nak beli lepas habes SPM nanti...harap-harap duit cukup la.....Tambah pulak dengan helmet MotoX, fuhh.....cun beb...
Boleh gi jalan-jalan pusing KL....Aku nie jenis suke travelling...lagi2 kalau dah ade moto sendiri....Fuii.....

And never the less...No ILLEGAL Racing!!!!  Remember your parents hopes towards you! Dont dissapoint them by being a dead man by the road. SAY NO TO REMPIT,SAY NO TO ILLEGAL RACING!!!!!

Saturday 30 July 2011

My Best Friend =D

This is me and my best friend, Nur Shira Nadhirah......She`s the one who helped me create my blog...
She`s a warm hearted person,very friendly and always care about her friends...she took very good care of me and helped me when I get sick....I gave her the nickname Fish.....maybe cause her face looks like one when she folded her scarf....heee.. anyway, she`s got the greatest and handsome boyfriend plus kind and very patient, Ahmad Husaini a.k.a. PETA..... haha....hope you guys last until you get old...hahaha   =D Thanks for taking care of me FISH !

And Fish, kau bertuah tau dapat lelaki cam PETA nih!
Kau ingat senang nak dpt lelaki camni??
Jage dier elok2 tau....  =D

I`m Finally In!!

Yayy!!! I`ve successfully created my new blogger....All this thanks to my friends !!
Thanks guys!!! Without you, I`ll never get the chance to create my blog cause I`m a dumbass!!!